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Who we are

Our Story

Pawatech solutions story began in 2019 when a group of young professionals combined their expertise to offer technological solutions and technical support to businesses. From the dusty streets of Nairobi’, Pawatech has grown over the years to become one of the City’s finest companies offering tech solutions and support to the ever growing business landscape. 

Pawatech Solutions serves as a trusted partner, offering clients the analysis, technical advice, and strategies they need to address digital-related problems.  

Pawatech began as a software Development Company, with a sole focus on providing technological solutions and training to a diverse range of businesses aiming to change their game by taking advantage of opportunities brought forth by the ever changing technology. Today, Pawatech offers a wide range of solutions in the fields of software development, transcriptions and video captioning, translations, virtual assistant, digital marketing, data management/entry services and training locally and internationally to a wide range of clients, Pawatech also offers both Digital freelancing Training, mentorship and Job linkages programs to young graduates and students who would want to earn in the online gig and freelance economy. 

Pawatech mentorship program provides mentees with skills and expertise they need to navigate and make the most out of the upcoming online work industry. At Pawatech, we are a firm believer in the phrase The Futures Work Online and we are determined to help mentees define the path they need to get on to move to the next stages in online work and associated challenges. We offer training on advanced ICT, life skills and online work which helps the youth get both educated and a source of livelihood.  

We have working partnerships with local and international organizations and individuals to support our mentorship program and offer Job linkages to the upcoming group of competent online workers. We work with a wide range of clients, including International and local NGOs, CBOs, RLOs, national and local governments, bilateral and multilateral donors, private corporations, and philanthropies. 

Students Enrolled
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Registered Instructors
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Job Success Rate
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Adopting a super agency model for training, mentoring and linking young people to online job opportunities. 


The mission of Pawatech solutions is to enable the disadvantaged in the community to be able to learn the digital skills and be able to earn a decent wage from it. 

Core Values

In everything we do, we live by three core values: 


We have an uncompromising commitment to civility and ethical behavior. We play by the rules and do the right thing. 


We are accountable to our clients, our colleagues, and the communities where we work. If we fall short, we own up, fix the problem, and get it right the next time. 


We depend on our diversity, respect the cultures in which we work, and treat everyone, everywhere with professionalism and dignity. We thrive on collaboration with our partners and communities, and share with them the hope that our work will leave the world a better place. 

Our Approach

In the search for innovative solutions to society’s most pressing problems, Pawatech Solutions brings together the spirit of transforming societies, collaborations with experts in many fields and facilitating capacity development.  Since 2020, we have worked with various organizations both through partnerships and collaborations with the aim of bringing a positive change to some of the problems in our communities. We are strategic, operational, and on a mission to take on social and technological challenges. 

Our integrated work is to transform lives by making organizations stronger, societies more stable, and human resources more effective. Pawatech Solutions focuses on THREE areas in pursuit of our vision including: 

  • Centre for Freelancing Training, Mentorship and Job Linkages (CTM) 
  • Pawatech Solutions Centre for IT support (PCIT) 
  • Pawatech Solutions as a Web developer (PWD) 
Pawatech Solutions


Pawatech Solutions offers training in three pillars: 

  • Training 
  • Advance Mentorship 
  • Job Linkages 

A) Training 

We offer training on advanced digital freelancing skills, Website development and digital literacy. The mission of the training is to provide the youths with skills that can enable them to earn easily and improve their living standards. The training takes between 1-3 months depending on the choice of the course. This training is also done through partnering with youth groups, NGOs and organizations’ that offer training to the youths and other target groups. 

We have a blended learning approach in both virtual and physical classroom training. We also tailor our content to respond to the needs of the target trainees/beneficiaries. 

Digital Freelancing Training  

The following are some of the courses we provide training in:  

  1. Transcriptions and Video Captioning 

Pawatech solutions make use of a mix of speech recognition software and human expertise to generate quality and accurate transcripts. Irrespective of your field, our team of highly competent transcriptionists can deliver a suite of speech-to-text transcripts that can be utilized in different industries and languages, we employ the use of automated software. We also offer transcription training where trainees learn how to convert audio formats into text using online software like Express scribe, otter.ai, Temi.com, Trint.com, Descript and Inscribe for caption and subtitles. We use tools like laptops and headphones to train our learners. After the training, our trainees gain skills like listening skills, proofreading, grammar and typing speed. 

  1. Data management 

We offer training on data management where trainees learn the process of collecting and inputting data or information into the computer using devices such as a keyboard, scanner, disk, and voice. We offer them with different links that they can use to learn how to type faster. We train them on the importance of paying attention to details and how to maintain accuracy during data entry. We also train them on how to use google docs, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. 

  1. Content writing 

We offer training on content writing where trainees learn about online writing skills that include articles & news, editing & proofreading, web content, research, blogs, copywriting. During the training we use tools/attributes like Fact-checking, Research, Editing and proofreading, Fiction writing, content editing and creative writing 

  1. Virtual assistant 

We offer training on virtual assistant where trainees learn how to provide administrative, creative or technical support services for businesses remotely. During the training we use tools and attributes like Calendly, Google Calendar, Google sheets, email management, canva.com, Trello and MS project. 

  1. Digital Marketing and Ecommerce 

We also offer training on digital marketing where trainees learn how to promote and sell products and services by leveraging online marketing tactics such as social media, search and email marketing. We also train them on how to use SEO, how to do Content Marketing, email marketing, and how to use mailchimp, Amazon and Jumia for marketing purposes. 

  1. Web and App development  

We offer training on Web development where trainees learn how to develop a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. We also offer training on Web engineering, Web design, Web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, Web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. 

  1. Digital Literacy 

We offer training on digital literacy where trainees learn how to find, evaluate, and clearly communicate information through typing on various digital platforms. We train them on grammar, composition, typing skills and ability to produce text, images, audio and designs using technology. We make sure that after the training our trainees are able to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, with both cognitive and technical skills. 

  1. App development 

We offer training on App Development where trainees learn how to create computer applications that can be used on mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones and smart watches. Trainees also learn how to use mobile device features such as cameras, motion and location awareness to create unique and inventive mobile-only applications for things such as taxi and bike sharing. 


B) Advanced Mentorship 

Pawatech Solutions offers keen follow up and growth of skills to enable the participants to have more experience in the gig and freelancing economy. This serves the purpose of enabling the participants to understand more to make the skills rooted in their minds and be able to earn a decent wage. 

C) Job Linkages 

Pawatech Solutions has partners with both local and international clients to offer jobs for the participants in the online space. 

We have successfully linked more than 1,200 Kenyan youths and refugees both in Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Dadaab and Kakuma to online work opportunities and are currently earning a decent wage in the gig and freelancing economy. 

Pawatech Solutions


We maximize business uptime and efficiency with our full IT staff, 24/7 monitoring, and IT strategy consulting, IT Automation, Full Network Maintenance and IT consulting & strategy. As a center for IT support, we comprehensively offer support, monitor, and consulting services to your business in a simplified model; we set up, manage and monitor your core IT infrastructure to keep your business running without interruption; we offer efficient, friendly helpdesk to support your users and maintain operations.  

We protect your business from catastrophic data and productivity loss with simple, powerful, automatic backups and finally we also put your company email, documents, calendars, and contacts in a secure cloud. 

Pawatech Solutions


We build websites that are easy to manage, edit, and update. We like to say “If you can do it in Word, you can do it in WordPress.” We publish content live to the web with the click of a button. We have a CMS that is Free and Priceless. We design and develop websites for you that allows you to easily add, edit, and manage your content with WordPress. We develop a beautiful user interface with intuitive controls that let you publish content with ease.  

We build sites for businesses, schools, non-profits, government agencies, e-commerce, and more. We also create unlimited pages, posts, photos, products, videos, and media using WordPress. The code structure we use to build WordPress sites takes care of 80-90% of the mechanics of search engine optimization for your organizations. WordPress is fully open source and free to license and independently hosted. This means that your site is in your control. We offer a powerful user system that puts you in control of your site. And finally, the User roles allow administrators, editors, and other users to type and access only the tools that they need. 


We have a commitment to working collaboratively with other like-minded organizations to achieve maximum shared impact. We firmly believe in partnering together to leverage resources and not duplicate efforts. For example, from our collaborations, we’ve enjoyed a deep and longstanding affiliation with World Vision, Cohere (formerly known as Xavier Project) and Generation Program Kenya. Connections from our founding years have led to continued engagements around community-led approaches, project designs and implementation, training and capacity building on the female participants, and valuable contributions from faculties and development experts.  

In Kakuma, we’ve had a long-standing relationship with the Cohere where we focused majorly on training and capacity building of Refugee-Led-Organization in running and managing Digital Training Centers. We offered training to the female refugees on online work skills. The aim of the training was to equip the refugees with easy to learn skills and also trained them on ways in which they can make a living from it. Tremendous training has been conducted to improve their earnings and improve their living standards. 

Pawatech solutions exist to inspire greatness in organizations and individuals by partnering and collaborating to provide leading edge solutions in the IT sector. We offer support to different organizations in the IT sector through offering training to the staff members on the trends in the digital field, through networking and internet installation. We also monitor and maintain the computer systems and networks of an organization through installing and configuring computer systems, diagnosing hardware and software faults and solving technical and applications problems.  

 Pawatech Solution has also developed websites and systems for various organizations. We have developed a website for African Research and Development. We also did back linking for the Website to increase its visibility and increase the number of people viewing it. This yielded to more people getting to know the organization and gaining interest in what they do. 


Our team has deep professional experience in training, mentorship on digital skills, IT support and web development. Our core team of staff and technical experts ensure the quality of delivery and high ethical standards that we and our clients require. 

We bring together a network of specialist and multidisciplinary team members who contribute their experience and know-how, where and when it is needed. Since our inception, clients have relied on Pawatech Solutions to handle complex, highstakes assignments, and provide exceptional value. 

Pawatech Solutions


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